Melanchthon Quotes - His Death day -19 April

“We must seek the truth, love it, defend it, and hand it down uncorrupted to our posterity.”
― Philipp Melanchthon, Loci Communes 1521

 “God draws, but he draws him who is willing.” --Philipp Melanchthon, De anima (1540; “On the soul”)

Melanchthon next to Luther

"Melanchthon quickly settled down in Wittenberg. This was probably largely due to the fact that he had met Martin Luther here. The intense relationship between Melanchthon and Luther changed from collegiality to profound friendship at the university. The following statement by Melanchthon demonstrates just how profound this friendship was: "I would rather die than be separated from this man." Luther quickly persuaded Melanchthon to join the Reformation movement. As colleagues at Wittenberg University, friends, and collaborators in the fight for Reformation, their relationship was always characterized by friendly collegiality" --
