Wars of Early Islam

Prophet Mohammed migrated to Medina from Mecca in the year 622 A.D. This migration is called Hijra, and 622 is the first year of the Islamic calender. The first year of the Islamic calender does not start with the year Quran was given to Prophet Mohammed, year 610 A.D or the year Prophet Mohammed gave the public proclamation to embrace Islam 613 A.D or the year 620 A.D when the Prophet is claimed to have visited heaven. These do not mark the watershed moment in Islam. But 622 A.D does. The migration to Medina in the year 622 A.D  resulted in a paradigm shift in the life of Mohammed and the Muslims. Till now Mohammed and his followers were a persecuted bunch. Some of them had already migrated to the Christian empire of Abyssinia for refuge. This migration happened twice.  But after Mohammed migrated to Medina in the year 622 A.D his life changed. He acquired power. He became a ruler. Once he became a ruler, a series of battles followed. These include:

So Islam CAUSED 67 battles between 622 A.D to 700 A.D. Most of them with non-Muslims and they were conquests in the name of Islam. 622 A.D was the year the first caliphate of Islam was established and that became the defining moment of Islam. This shows that Islam perceives itself as a political force, not just a spiritual movement. Being political and conquering nations in the name of Islam was the most defining thing in Islam and that is why the establishment of the caliphate is the first year in the Islamic calender as opposed to Christianity where the birth of Jesus is the first year of the Christian calender. 

Moreover, it can be safely implied that Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a political religion and remains to this day, a political religion. It still aims at world conquest and the establishment of the Islamic caliphate. Islam should be rightly called the religion of war. War defines how Islam spread so fast as opposed to Christianity, which spread by missionaries and  martyrs who would not take up sword. Only after the politicization of Christianity, 350 to 400 years after Christ did Christianity was used for war, and it was still against the teaching of Christ. That is the primary reason why the earlier Christians did not indulge in violence or conquests. War and conquest are not and still are not a part of the true religion of peace: Christianity.
