Double Standards of the United States

1.China builds roads into Arunachal in India and claims Indian territory, EU & US say nothing . Russia invades Ukraine, they talk about sanctions, call emergency summit etc.
Double standards.

2. Initially US refuses Visa to Modi due to human rights abuse. Now U.S official go and visit him, anticipating him to become the next prime minister if India. Again Double standards.

3. US itself enters Iraq citing WMDs and bomb them to extinction. Finally no WMDs. Now Russia enters ukraine, they all start their chorus of double standard. 

4. U.S has strong ties with Saudi and imports Saudi Oil, inspite of the human rights abuse and lack of liberty. They don't want to extent 'DEMOCRAZY' to Saudi. But they talk about lack of freedom in communist countries only. Again double standards.

5. Pakistan is a key ally of U.S inspite of it's training terrorists and sending them into India. They get huge funding from them inspite of dismal human rights record, especially against Christians and other minorities. 

6. Tibet is already what ?  U.S and China are still trading partners. Ukraine is occupied and Russia is going to get 'Isolated'. I am not supporting Russia, but I am just showing there is lot of double standard. Some of my friends in Ukriane are trusting these double standard countries to protect them...we will see how it goes.

The Lord is watching.... No one can escape...
