Should Christian Women Wear Bikini ??? Is swim suit a sin suit?

Swimsuit or sin suit?

Swim suit is not a sin suit. But if it does expose 90% of the body, it is beyond clothing and becomes a trapping for sin in the hearts of most men, if not all. It is like 'no clothing'. Christian women should not wear them alone, because they don't cover as dress is supposed to cover. Our God wants us to be modest, to be a symbol of purity commanding respect. Swimsuit clad women are source of temptation and an understanding Christian women should not dress in such a way that is provocative to any man. We should as Paul taught us think about the weaker brethren and since not many are strong in this area, it is the responsibility of Christian women to make sure that she does not emulate the secular model of dressing which is designed to show the body and attract men. The Holy men will not be attracted, they will think it is a temptation. They will try to avoid this source of temptation. Holy men are attracted to inner beauty. The character is what attracts them. The Christian woman should focus on character building and the right person will like you for it. If you do the things which will attract the wrong person, you are in for trouble.
One of the virtues which Christian women should pursue is modesty and modesty will prevent you from wearing swimsuits which are sin suits.
