The value of value education

Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.
C. S. Lewis
What does all the political corruption and corporate frauds teach us ? Exactly this , that right moral values as enshrined in the commandments of Christ , if neglected will inevitably lead to corruption. Moral relativism will lead to corruption. Jesus alone can save from corruption. He is the only one who came to give hope to the sinners. He did not come to call the righteous(since no one is righteous) but sinners (and all are sinners). Jesus is the only teacher among all religions who said that corruption and sin are a problem and also presented himself as the only savior of humanity from sin and corruption. Jesus alone successfully saves people from corruption because he is only one through whom we can receive the Holy Spirit and it is the Holy Spirit who will save us by empowering us to over come sin and say ‘no’ to corruption. Jesus saves by paying the penalty due to the corrupt and then opening the way for the second chance which is when the Holy Spirit comes and transforms a sinner into a saint.
