Is this the Biblical foundation ?

Many people believe ,the USA is a Christian country in spite of evidence to the contrary. From it's early days , there was genocide against the Indian tribes and finally their land was grabbed by the settlers and they were send to exile in the resettlement areas where they still live today. If true Christians had entered there they would have served them and not enslave or commit genocide. There were a handful who did serve them by reaching out to them with the love of God. But other than that it was pure European racism which expressed itself in the genocide of the american Indians.

The most infamous evidence against america having a Christian foundation is the enslavement and oppression of the Africans  These were treated as animals . There were many Christians among them , but that did not change the attitude of the white settlers . The plight of the blacks is well known . How can those who follow Christ , who taught to love the neighbor as oneself as one of his cardinal teachings , end up doing this over a few hundred years? This clearly hows they were not true Christians. Their fruit betrays their claim to be Christian.
In recent days , the influence of american culture on the world has been detrimental to the moral , spiritual and physical well being of the rest of the world. The effect of Hollywood and MacDonald's are obvious.These are not Christian either.

Jesus taught , "You will know them by their fruit ". Unless we see fruits consistent with Christ , we need not accept the claim of anyone to be a Christian or a follower of Christ.
